Maybe You are also a contributor to Getty image and you have also curious about the payment threshold of Gettyimages. I am also a Gettyimages contributor from 2020. Now I am also going to share my experience with Gettyimages. 

Minimum Payment gettyimages

how Getty images make money

Gettyimages sales videos and photos. The revenue model of Gettyimages is selling photos and images. If you want to make money then you can also easily make money using Getty images by selling commercial and editorial photos. You can sell videos also. 

what is Getty Images stock

Getty Images is a stock photography website. It is one of the best websites to sell photos and videos. If you are a photographer or videographer then gettyimages is one of the best platforms. 

Gettyimages also known as Istock. It has almost 15 Million visitors per month. Getty Images Holding Inc is the parent company of Gettyimages or Istock. 

What is the lowest you got paid for an image on Getty Images as a contributor?

In my experience, I got the minimum $0.03 rate per sale. But I got a maximum of more than $1 also per photo. It depends on what types of photos got sold. 

What is the payment threshold in Gettyimages? 

According to my experience, Gettyimages will pay you if you get more than $100 balance on your Getty image. You can easily reach that threshold if you work consistently. 


  • Make money online by selling photos 

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