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Showing posts from October, 2022

Best SIP in Nepal | How to Invest in SIP Nepal

 A mutual fund is the best thing to invest in the long term. If you are investing in the capital market then the Mutual fund can be the best option for you in Nepal. You can also invest in a Mutual fund scheme if you don't have enough knowledge about the share market or capital market.  I am also investing in many mutual funds in Nepal. That's why I am writing this article on my own experience. I m investing in various popular mutual funds since five years ago.  What is a Mutual fund?  Mutual funds are those funds that will help you to invest in the perfect company shares. If you don't know enough about the capital market then this will be the best option for you. There are various types of mutual funds available in the Nepali share market. Most mutual funds are managed by the Bank's capital. A few Popular Mutual funds are given below.  NMB50 CMF1 CMF2 GIBF1 KDBY LUK MMF1 What is SIP ?  The full form of the sip is a systematic investment plan. If you want t...

how to apply dv lottery

 How to apply for DV Lottery online in an easy way. I helped many of my friends to apply DV lottery online form. You don't have to pay any money to apply DV lottery online form. The Diversity visa (DV) online form is free of cost.   Diversity Visa Requirments  Before applying for the Diversity Visas (DV) you need three things.  Photo  Email Id  Personal Information  Photo requirements  If you are unmarried or single then you don't have to put your family details. You need only one single photo but if you are applying as married then you should prepare your spouse and child photographs. You should submit those things.  DV photo size  You need a perfect DV photo size otherwise the website won't accept the photograph. The perfect photo size of DV is 600*600 pixels. If you want to crop it you can use 2 * 2 inches or in 51 * 51 MM. After preparing the photo you have to use The DV photo tool to verify your photo before submitting it....

Pradesh Number 1 Job Vacancy Loksewa Job vacancy

 Pradesh 1 Lok Sewa Aayog Opening for sixth Level Specialized Official (Prabidhik): Region Public Assistance Commission, Territory No. 1, Biratnagar, Nepal (Data Correspondence Innovation and Distributing Branch) Ad for open and comprehensive cutthroat composed assessment for the posts of specialized side in different assistance gatherings of neighborhood taxpayer supported organizations Since the accompanying help, bunch, sub-gathering, and level positions (open and comprehensive) for the nearby taxpayer driven organization ought to be filled through cutthroat assessment; Applications are welcomed from the certified applicants according to underneath. Competitors who meet the endorsed least capabilities ought to apply through the commission's web-based application framework Applicants chose from the serious assessment will be prescribed for nearby level assignment as per the request for inclination. Up-and-comers suggested in this manner will be given a su...

Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Job Vacancy

 Recently Karnali Pradesh Lok sewa aayog annouced a vacancy for the cadindates in various posts. You can also apply on those job application. If you have the qualification then you can also easily apply on those job application. Karnali pradesh  is one of the beautiful and adventures province of Nepal. It is almost rural but it is one of the best challenge to get hired on those job position. 

Best Car Accident Lawyer in United States

 Best Car Accident Lawyer in the United States 1.3  million People die due to car accidents per year.  20  to 50 millions peoples suffer from nonfatal – injuries. Car Accident is taking lots of lots life. According to the data, Almost 42,915  car crashes happen in 2021at USA. It was more than six thousand card Car Accidents in 2021 than in 1994. The technology used in the car is involved day by day but car accident is increasing year by year. According to the data, 87% of United states Car users are using car insurance. It is mandatory for Every car driver but why 20% of car drivers are not doing car insurance for their vehicles and for their life. If you are also among them you should do it now for your life. A car is a necessary tool for us. It helps us to grow our business and it helps us to do more things. but Car accidents can happen at any time and any moment. so that maybe you are also searching best car accident lawyer r in the united states. That'...