Stock photography is also one of the best method to make money online nowadays . We can make some buck of money from the stock photography . Many freelancer photographers are working in various kinds of stock photography websites and making a huge amount of money through their photography . Most of the beginner photographer thought that they cannot click perfect photo if they didn't have expensive camera . But I want to tell you that you can make money online by selling stock photography by taking high quality photo using your smartphone . most of the beginner photograph have a question ," What is the best camera to take awesome photo ? " . and answer is ," The camera which you have right now . "  Yes my friend !  If you don't have a huge budget to purchase a expensive DSLR camera then you can start using your own smartphone . Many peoples are earning a very nice amount of money through their mobile phone only . Before clicking photo you need have some basic knowledge about the photography . such as shutter speed , aperture , ISO and so many more . but these are the main things which you should know before learning photography .

how to make money online by selling photos online

shutter speed

Photography is also known as a game of light . When we will learn to control in light with our camera then we will learn to take little bit high quality photo using your any devices. and the shutter speed is also one of the useful features of camera to take high quality photo using your camera  . You can easily control  in light by using the shutter speed . To know more about the shutter speed we need to remember a formulae . The formulae is High shutter speed = low light and the slow shutter speed = more light . it means if you make increase your shutter speed you will get low light in your photograph . If you decrease your shutter speed you will get more light in your photo . Royalty-Free Stock Video at Pond5


The another best feature for photography is aperture . Using aperture also you will be able to click more attractive high quality photo and you will get more control in the light . To know more about the aperture ; you should to understand a formulae . the formulae is ," Big aperture = small hole and Small aperture = big hole " . It means if you increase the level of aperture you will get low light because the lens  hole will be small and if you decrease level of aperture you will get high light because the lens whole will be big .


It is especially known as artificial light . Using ISO also you can get more control on the light . ISO will help you increase or decrease the level of light in your photo . for the ISO also you can understand a formulae . The formulae is  ," more ISO = more light , Less ISO = Less light " . if we want to click photo in low light , we need to increase ISO and the photo will give more light . but If the noise and grain might be come in your photo . but you can decrease using Adobe photoshop and many tools . and if we are clicking photo in the sunny day. then you will get less light in your photo .

so now after understanding  these things you can shoot photo little bit using your manual mode . at first it will not be good photo but after practicing more and more then you will improve day by day . so now today I am going to give you best tips and tricks about the stock photography . after clicking the best photos how can you put or how can you  sell that photos in different kinds of websites . You can use different kinds of stock photography websites such as shutterstock , dreamstime , pond5 , adobestock , alamy , 123rf and many more big giant stock photography website . but I prefer to work in shutterstock . You can sell stock photo and stock footage also inside shutterstock . if you want to sign up you can sign up  through these links and it also help me little bit .


pond5 Royalty-Free Stock Video at Pond5
After signing up in these kinds of websites you will be able to upload more photos in these kinds of photo . You can learn day by day. you can improve day by day in your photography skill . so now let's  learn some useful tips and tricks which help you to become a successful stock photographer and you will make money online by selling stock photography .

11. Daily upload photo

After creating a contributors account in these kinds of stock photography then you can upload more and more photos on these kinds of websites . But make plan and execute it . You have to upload photo regularly as possible . If you upload only few photo and after that you stop to upload photo and It will not work . If you really want to be successful freelance photographer then only you will get success as a freelance photographer . and after few time only you will be able to make money online by selling photos . Don't break your upload time in these kinds of stock photography . Some photographers have habit the upload photo irregularly . Sometime they will upload in one week and sometime they will upload after two month . This type of irregular things will not work on it because there is already very hard working photographer already there . You have beat them by doing some interesting works . After that only you will able to make money online by selling photo in freelancing websites .

22.Be passionate

After uploading some photos don't be frustrated because after uploading few photo only will not give you sell . You have to enjoy on photography . don't be frustrated because lots of lots photographer will lose their confidence and they will left . After working lots of lots time only you will get some sells and you will be able to make money online by selling photos . I think until 1000 upload , it will be hard to get sells because there is already very talented photographer and they are still working to make money online . So you can also be passionate and think this one as a career and business . You have to do continuously . Maybe you have to goal  to upload more and more quality photos .

3.3.   Check the trend

By approving the photo only don't be happy because it should be sold . If it doesn't make any sell then it is worthless . After checking the market trend only you will make money online by selling photos online . That's why you have to research in the market . You can follow the trend . What kinds of photos are on demand. What types of category is in trending . You can do research and you can start on that topic . Don't shoot any kinds of photo . without research the trend you cannot make money online by selling the photos on stock photography photos . There are many tools available to check the trends . Such as google trends or you can check the shutterstock homepage also . They will show you the most popular photographs in their homepage .  

44.  Control in you quality and quantity .

Don't upload any type of photos . Maintain your quality . Click very eye catchy photo . Always follow above mentioned things about photography which is Aperture , ISO and Shutter speed . Try to bring more improvement in your photography everyday . Which will give your more quality . Everything can achieve by practicing in this world . After bringing more quality only you will be able to make money online by selling photos . Quality is the best key to make sell on stock photography . Another useful thing is that quantity. Always try to shoot more and more photos but don't upload these kinds of photo in different quantity . Some photographer use to upload sometime one photo only and sometime they will upload more than 100 photos . Which is not good to make money online by selling photos . Always maintain you quantity also . if you are uploading 10 photos per day . Always upload ten photos . which will help you to make sell in your photos and make money online by selling photos .

5.5.    Promote your photograph

If you have trust on your photography , You can promote your photographs by using social media such as facebook , youtube , instagram and so many more . If you have some amount of money then you can use these platform to promote your photograph but as I mentioned above your photo should have the best quality and many more things to make money online by selling your photos . After clicking so many photos you can make your own stock photography websites or you can create a application also and you can promote them using  these kinds of social media platform and make money online by selling your photos online .

hoping that you get some ideas about the make money online by selling photos on stock photography websites . Still is there any missing tips and tricks to make more sells in your photography then let me know in the comment section . I will response on  your comments . Thank you

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