AG recruitment is one of the trusted recruitment agencies in the UK. Many UK-based employers and employees can apply from  AG recruitment. If you are also trying to apply from AG recruitment then this is the right recruitment agency for you. 

how to apply ag recruitment in uk from nepal

Especially AG recruitment is known for seasonal worker visas. You can easily find out many agriculture, horticulture, and different types of farming-related jobs through these seasonal jobs. 

In this article, you will learn to apply the process to the AG recruitment agency. 

If you want to apply for AG recruitment then you have to follow mentioned steps. 

  • Visit the AG recruitment official website 
  • Click in Apply now 
  • Fill UP a Form 
  • Choose a location 
  • Accept the Agreement 
  • Click on the Apply Now 

Visit the AG recruitment official website

If you want to apply for a Seasonal worker Visa then you have to visit the AG recruitment official website at first. You can easily find our website by typing AG recruitment on google or you can directly visit the website by typing  
AG recruitment of google search results
AG recruitment of google search results

Now you can read various articles and information related to UK seasonal worker visas there. You can read them one by one. After visiting the official website of AG recruitment you will see this type of layout on their homepage. 
Official website of AG recruitment
Official website of AG recruitment

Click in Apply now 

After visiting the official website of AG recruitment then You can easily see the Apply now button at the top. Now you have to click on the Apply Now button. After a few seconds, you will get the application form. 

apply now button in ag recruitment website
apply now button in ag recruitment website

Fill UP an Online Form 

You have to provide your first name, Last name, Email, and phone number there. When you are putting your mobile number then don't forget to put the WhatsApp number. That could be easier for AG recruitment to contact You. 
Now you have to put your current location and Nationality. After that, you have to provide your preferred language also. The preferred languages are English, Russian, Indonesian and etc. 
AG recruitment online application form
AG recruitment online application form

Choose a Location 

If you are in the UK, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and EU countries You can directly choose that country but if you are not staying in that country then you have to choose other option. 

After selecting the other option you have to provide the country of residence. If you are from Nepal then you should put Nepal there. 
Choose a location on AG recruitment webstie
Choose a location on AG recruitment webstie

Accept the Agreement 

Now You have to accept the terms and conditions of AG recruitment If you didn't accept the agreement then you cannot apply for the seasonal worker visa job application. So make sure you put the tick mark in that option. 
accept agreement on AG recruitment webstie
accept agreement on AG recruitment webstie

Now click on the apply now button. Now the Human resource team of AG recruitment will send you an email if they need seasonal workers. 
apply for uk seasonal job application
apply for uk seasonal job application

They will contact you for further process and interview. You have to provide your CV and cover letter after the selection. 

Note: Beware of scam emails. There are multiple incidents happening so if the official email didn't send you any response then ignore other types of email. 


After applying for the job application just you have to wait for a response. AG recruitment management team will contact you via email and phone calls. But it is not sure that they will send you a response. 

According to the UK government website; The required seasonal workers will be divided to different recruitment agencies equally. So you can apply to other recruitment agencies also. That can increase the chances of selection. 

You don't have to pay any money during the process of a Seasonal worker visa. Just you have to apply free of cost. You have to the Visa fees, the Air ticketing fee, and personal expenses will be only your expenses. 


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